Donate Any Amount to LCOA

When it comes to giving to LCOA, a little can go a long way.
There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing that you have made a difference in the life of someone in need.
Adopt a senior for the Meals on Wheels program and provide a daily nutritious meal for a person in need.
Donate gifts and door prizes for fund raisers, raffles or events.
Donate unneeded medical or office equipment.
Become a sponsor for this website.
Please contact our office to find out how.
All donations are tax deductible.
Adopt a Senior Donations
Of course, you can give a little of your time also.
The Lafayette Council on Aging is always in need of:
Delivery drivers for a route of Home Delivered Meals
Volunteers and/or Sponsors for fund raisers and services
Foster Grandparents for the Foster Grandparents program
Volunteers and/or Sponsors for the Senior Olympics
Workers needing to fulfill Community Service hours
Craftsman or tradesmen for repairs
Adopt a Senior- 1 Month

Adopt A Senior- 1 Year