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LCOA Mission Statement

The mission of the Council is to enhance the well-being of the elderly by providing and expanding an innovative range of services delivered with respect, care and compassion; upholding the dignity and independence of the individual. 

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities. The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability just as other civil rights laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. The ADA guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to enjoy employment opportunities, purchase goods and services, and participate in state and local government programs.


Lafayette Council on Aging adheres to requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and a policy of reasonable accommodation to the needs of employees and clients with disabilities. Specifically, the Executive Director and Section 504 Coordinator will work to provide the reasonable accommodation needed by a person with disabilities in order to perform the essential functions of a job within the agency or to utilize our services. For more information, see





The following shall be considered as the LCOA Housing official grievance procedure. Management staff and residents of this housing complex shall be expected to abide by the terms and conditions outlined herein.


A. When a tenant has cause to grieve due to inappropriate treatment or a dispute with another tenant or with management staff, the grievance must be submitted in writing. The grievance shall outline the problem, date of occurrence, any person(s) involved, and be dated and signed by the resident. The letter should be hand delivered to the office during normal business hours, if possible, for the quickest resolution. Issues considered as an emergency or life threatening may be addressed to management by telephone, 

but residents should consider telephoning the Police instead.

B. Management will review the grievance letter and clarify any missing or ambiguous issues with the resident.

C. Within 72 hours, management will investigate the complaint to determine the factual elements of the grievance and make a determination of the best approach to deal with the grievance.

D. The resident filing the grievance may be called upon to attend a conciliation meeting with management staff and the other resident(s) or person(s) outlined in the grievance letter.

E. The outcome of the grievance will be documented by management and maintained as a part of the office records.

F. Dissatisfaction with management's handling of a grievance should be voiced to management and the resident should request a meeting with owner's representative (other than management staff).

G. Dissatisfaction with the owner or owner's representative handling of a grievance should be forwarded to the State Agency or other outside source (i.e., Housing and Credit Counseling) for resolution. If the grievance involves discrimination, it should be forwarded to with HUD Enforcement or the Human Rights Commission.

H. At any time during the grievance process, the resident should have a right to legal representation if requested and at the resident's expense. 



Louisiana Housing Corporation


Contract Administration Department

2415 Quail Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70808 

Louisiana Commission of Human Rights 

PO Box 94004 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-94004 

U.S. Department of Housing and Development

Hale Boggs Federal Building 500 Poydras Street, 9th Floor New Orleans, LA 70130 

Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Ave. N.W. Washington D.C. 20230


©2024 by Lafayette Council on Aging

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